Kill the Mutant

Kill the Mutant

Every now and again, when conducting a Taking Flight with DISC training program, I encounter a team that consists of members that are primarily represented by one or two DISC styles. It might be a law firm with D attorneys, a sales team of I’s, a customer...
The Power of Intention

The Power of Intention

We tend judge ourselves based upon our intentions, but we judge others based on their behaviors. This is quite natural since we have access to our intentions. We understand why we do what we do. Unfortunately, we are not granted permission to access the intentions of...
Coaching in Style

Coaching in Style

Have you ever tried to change a pesky habit? It’s fairly difficult. Now try to change someone else’s habits. That’s even harder. Sometimes, when managers coach their staff members, they try to change them into something they are not. This conveys a lack of...
The DISC System Dichotomies

The DISC System Dichotomies

There are interesting commonalities and contrasts between the four DISC styles.  In this blog, I’d like to compare D’s and I’s with S’s and C’s.  Then, we will look at D’s and C’s with I’s and S’s.    In his book, The Emotions of Normal People, William Marston...
Should DISC be used for hiring and selection?

Should DISC be used for hiring and selection?

DISC should not be used for hiring or selection.  First of all, style is not a predictor of success.  Just because someone has a particular style, it does not mean that they are likely to succeed or fail in a given role.  DISC does not account for education,...
What is DISC Training?

What is DISC Training?

One way to learn about the DISC styles is through a DISC training program, such as Taking Flight with DISC.  Before they arrive, people go online and take a DISC profile.  (Many will inevitably call it a personality test, but I’d prefer calling an assessment.  The...