On being right (or wrong)…

On being right (or wrong)…

Everybody wants to be right.  Sounds like an obvious statement.  I’m mean, really, who doesn’t want to be right?  But for some people, not being wrong is more important than being right.  This subtle, yet significant, difference is in part, driven by our DISC style. ...
What is the best combination of styles in a team?

What is the best combination of styles in a team?

Over the years, as the cofounder of Team Builders Plus, I have led my fair share of team building programs.  In many team events I have incorporated DISC profiles into the event and have often been asked, “What is the best combination of styles in a team?”  It’s an...
Personality is a Funny Thing

Personality is a Funny Thing

The other day, I was watching an episode of Big Bang Theory with my wife. Throughout the show, I found myself laughing hysterically. Now I’m not just talking about a quiet chuckle. I was belly laughing out loud. I turned to my wife (who contrasts my Parrot style with...
Does Your Boss Stress You Out?

Does Your Boss Stress You Out?

Does your boss stress you out?Does working for your boss stress you out? If so, consider his or her DISC personality style and contrast it with your own. If your boss is an Owl, he’s probably a stickler for planning and details. If she’s an Eagle, then a big picture...
Building Respect with the Personality Styles

Building Respect with the Personality Styles

Respect. We all want it. How we earn respect may just depend upon who we’re trying to earn it from. So, let’s take a look at how to win the respect of others from a DISC system perspective. Capturing an Eagle’s respect requires candor and clarity. For example, if you...
I Wish I Knew This Before

I Wish I Knew This Before

One of most common phrases I hear when I lead DISC training programs or speak at a conference about the DISC styles is, “I wish I knew this before ________.” The blank is typically filled in with statements such as, “I wish I knew this before I got married, had kids,...